Recent Posts
Schuylkill township Municipal Office Hours
Schuylkill township Municipal Office Hours Please call the township to set up an appointment @570-668-1039 please leave a message and Ann will get back to you. You may also email…
Welcome to Schuylkill Township
The Board of Supervisors and the Township staff welcome you to our area and to our new website. We will be continually adding information to our site, so please check…
Residents please be aware of suspicious activity involving Fed Ex Deliveries
Recent incident of stolen packages from resident’s home. Suspects maybe following Fedex trucks and removing packages after delivery. Please report any suspicious activity to the State Police 911.
Delinquent Garbage account service will be discontinued until payments are received. Payment plans are available.
Payments must be posted at PAMS by Monday at 12 o’clock noon to be removed from the “DO NOT PICK UP” list for pickup on Wednesday. Holiday weeks pick up…
Part Time Road Master Position Job Opportunity
Schuylkill Township is accepting application for a part time road master position. Approximately 17 hours a week. Hour and pay negotiable. Please mail your application to Schuylkill Township PO Box…